• 12/11/2022 @ 10:07 PM

Today, I'm thrilled to be speaking to my friend and artist Snuffy, a multidisciplinary creative who works across a wide range of mediums. His upcoming project, LOOKING IN: FOR THE CURIOUS, is a fascinating approach to self discovery. Let's dive in.

To begin- Hello Snuffy. Can you introduce yourself to our community? Your name, where you are based and the mediums you work in?

My name is Julius Margulies, but you may know me as Snuffy. I’m a surrealism artist based in Williamsburg Brooklyn who works on glass, paper, canvas, metal, digital and skin.

Tell us a bit about your latest project that uses your artwork to explore peoples personalities and their own understanding of themselves.

Looking in is a place where people are prompted with personal questions and given art based on their results. But the real purpose was that I wanted to know how I make people feel. So my team and Transient Labs built this to first see who I think I am, and then invite the people close to me to anonymously do the project about me.

That’s a beautiful sentiment. Can you walk us through the process people will encounter when they participate in the project?

Upon landing to Looking In, you will be prompted to guess what tribe you will end up in. You will find yourself entering a virtual universe filled with drawings I’ve compiled over the years. In this universe you’re guided through a series of free form and slider questions. Your top 5 personality traits will be revealed at the end. The surprise comes in the reveal.

Your art will be shown for you to navigate and explore the 3JS world. Once you are ready, you will have to option to send to your close circle to take it about you. The answers will be anonymous, and your results will change once you merge their answers in.

Love this concept and I can say from experience that it is beautifully built. It was so refreshing to take a moment to reflect and gaze inwards. What was your motivation in creating this sort of system for people to engage with?

Life can be difficult, and everyone is just trying to get by. Along the way, people sometimes get hurt. I don’t believe people have nefarious intentions but I think these pains are due to blind spots. The idea for Looking In was to create a feedback loop to show us our blind spots or to help people understand theirs.

I’m basing this thesis on the premise that nobody is out to cause harm to anyone. The big picture is, if we are more aware of how we make others feel, then we will approach all of our interactions with a bit more compassion. And a bit more compassion from everyone in the world is a start.

I love the motivation behind the project- so important. How can people get involved- as in when and where this is being released?

The project will launch December 15th on


Leading up to the release, people are encouraged to go to looking in and guess their tribe. After guessing your tribe you will be sent a piece of art representing your choice. It’s nice to see on the macro level how people view themselves before going through the process.

Absolutely wonderful, I can’t wait for the world to experience this. Can you share a bit about your path to this moment? When did you dive into your creative journey and what moments along that path stand out to you?

II have always had the hunger to bring my studio experience to the world. My tattoo process requires my clients to open up to me. That has always been the value, from there we can have meaningful discourse. I learn about myself when we open up to each other. About 1 year ago, it finally clicked that I could use the tech of NFTs to connect people in a meaningful way online and the jets turned on as soon as the illustrious team at Transient Labs entered my life. I can’t speak with every person ever but I could prompt people to speak amongst themselves. Almost like those old things we used to do… board games?! remember those !!

So this is my attempt to have people open up with their close circle, maybe it’s the nudge that shifts someone’s perspective and in turn shifts the trajectory of their life.

I suppose in writing this I realize that free will has been debated for a century. And even so, we can still take control of our lives to a degree that will give us joy. The hope is that this project nudges even one person to wake up from their routine, shift gears, and find their fulfillment.

While I’m on a tangent I’d like to say something that motivates every move I make, an ethos of mine. I seek fulfillment, not happiness. Happiness is a collateral benefit of seeking fulfillment.

As for my path, it’s been fleeting moments of heartache and bliss, navigating life these days feels like navigating a multiverse. All we have when the power goes out is our mind and body and spirit… so while the power is on, I’m trying to bring us back to that.

Powerful words my friend. Lastly- what would your advice be to someone who is earlier on their creative path?

To those who are on their creative path, early or late, find the thing that makes time disappear while you’re doing it. Ask yourself if this is something you would be proud of doing for the next 5 years. If so, Then create short and long-term objectives. As you check them off your list continue to add to that list.

Most importantly, when you think you’ve reached the end, put your head back down and keep going. These days our greatest enemy is distraction and contentment. Remain focused, punch through the wall and you might find yourself walking where nobody has walked before!

Snuffy, thank you so much for sharing your words and your wisdom with us. I for one am always moved by your empathy and thoughtfulness and we are all so lucky to have you and your art in this world. To the reader, you can find everything Snuffy by visiting his website.

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