• Cryptoart / NFT
  • 03/04/2021 @ 12:06 PM

What happens when a dreamworld leaps into reality, channelled by an artist tuned to the songs of their subconcious? For answers, look no further than @_tyedied, and his world blending visuals that pull you through into another realm.

First of can you introduce yourself to our audience? Where you from? What kinda things do you like making and what are your mediums?

My name is Tye, I'm from California but I'm currently based out of Washington State. I like creating surreal visuals with genuine emotions behind them. Regardless of what that emotion may be, negative or positive, I believe that genuine art is the best bridge to people's hearts. I work mostly with photography, photo manipulation, animation, and music!

I used to have extremely vivid and lucid dreams... so much of your work seems to leap out of a dream world, as if you are a translator between that world and reality. What is your dream experience and do those subconscious experiences leak into your pieces?

That's so cool! I used to lucid dream almost every night. I actually sort of "taught" myself how not to if that makes any sense. I heard that lucid dreaming too much can make you forget your dreams (I'm not sure if that's true), but I got scared because I love my dreams. So when I would lucid dream I would tell myself to forget about it and to go along with whatever was happening in my dream, that way I would stop being so conscious. It actually worked, and now I haven't lucid dreamed in years.

I still have EXTREMELY vivid dreams though, almost every night. I think that my dreams are sort of a window into different realities, and a lot of the dreams that I actually remember find their way into my art through little details and feelings.

I would honestly say that most of my pieces are very subconscious and not very conscious at all. I don't really think of ideas before hand, all of my creations are extremely spontaneous. I never really know what i'm making until it's done. Then I look back at it and kinda go, wow this means a lot to me.

Love that. What's your earliest experience where you first thought you would pursue a creative career? Did you fall into it or move this way with a clear intention to create things?

I think the first time I knew I wanted to do this for the rest of my life was when I got hired by someone to make a vine. Getting paid for my creativity blew my mind, I was completely addicted to the thought of making a creative career work and i've been dedicating every day to my journey since!

I bought my first DSLR with that paycheck. I didn't even have a place to live when I made that decision! Probably not the smartest choice, but looking back maybe that was one of the best choices I've ever made.

The smartest decision you can make is betting on yourself. So good on you. Do you like to let your work evolve over time or is there a core idea or feel you want to stick to? You seem very willing to experiment, I'm wondering what drives you there.

I agree with that! Keeping that confidence throughout your life is huge. I would say I like to let my work evolve. I'm constantly trying to break down barriers in my head, and I'm constantly striving to always become the artist I believe I can be. Which is far better, and more progressive than I am right now. I think I will always be this way though, I don't know if I will ever achieve the level I envision. To me this is a good thing, to constantly be striving to become better. With my art and who I am as a person.

I think the thing that most people struggle with is being proud of where they are in this journey and how far they've come. I've finally found stable footing with my art, where I believe in my creativity and my vision, but I'm not completely satisfied with all of my creations. I feel like this is a good place to be.

That’s the best place to be. Creativity is a language, and we never achieve true fluency because there is always more to learn. Well put.

What’s your experience so far with the NFT space? Can you share what you’ve done and what you have planned?

So far I have only a little experience in the NFT space, but a lot of admiration and determination to be more involved! I've had one featured artist drop on @DontBuyMeme which has been going incredibly well. I've also just listed a couple pieces on @bitski for the first time, and I have a featured drop coming up soon for them too! Still no luck with the bigger invite only sites, but I've only been waiting for a couple of weeks.

I have such a massive amount of different pieces I believe would be perfect NFT's for collectors, from static images to animations with original music. I've been composing 1 of 1 songs for certain animations as well, and I hope to be minting more music and videos in the future when the become more relevant to the market.

I'm extremely excited about NFTs and what they mean for artists like us. I've been in countless clubhouse rooms and discussions online, learning all the in's and out's that I can. I truly believe this is the future for artists, and also many other creators as well. Hopefully soon we will see more and more mediums becoming commonplace to mint and sell.

Lastly- any words of wisdom or advice for someone who is eager to pursue their creativity?

If you're a new artist just getting started I would say to remember to be patient with yourself and your journey. These things take a lot of time and practice to get to where you're going. Time management is incredibly important, and dedicating time to your craft on a consistent basis should be one of your highest priorities. 10,000 Hours to become a Master, as they say.

Don't feel too discouraged by where you are, if the life experiences of others have taught us anything it's that practice makes perfect. Take your time, and make what YOU love. Remember the reason that you make art in the first place is because it's your favorite thing to do! Never lose sight of that, it will end up developing your "true" style in the end.

Amazing. Thank you for such inspiring work and such thoughtful answers. To the reader, make sure to connect with Tye on Twitter and Instagram. To collect his work, check Bitsky and MEME.

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