• 09/23/2021 @ 3:41 PM

So, Jesse- this is a long time coming, our chat here today. As you know I am president of the unofficial Jesse Woolston fan club. I am so glad we have collided in this world and Iā€™m so excited to learn more about you and your process. But to begin- you have a huge drop coming up. Can you share the time and date and what we can expect? Then we can work backwards from there.

Oh man, I'm absolutely honored. You've been so kind and such a strong advocate for my work Dave, It really has meant so much to be welcomed with such open and warm arms, so thank you for that. Also, I am the entire board, COO, CFO, and CTO of the Dave Krugman fan club. Yes! My first 1/1 NFT audio/visual art piece is being released on the 24th of September through SuperRare.

The entire purpose of the piece and truly what I want to highlight is that the work holds up a mirror to us as beings. The piece articulates how our physiology perceives and understands nature, then demonstrates how this process informs how we use and control our environments with color. The core of the work is how we perceive wavelengths across the audible and visible light spectrum, in a way that pairs both visual and auditory arts together in a cohesive marriage.

Editors note: for additional details, check out Jesse Woolston on the ALLSHIPS Podcast.

That sounds so beautiful. I know how much time and thought you put into your craft, so I am so eager to see this process unfold. Your took your time here to do this your way- and I greatly admire that ethic you have.

Let's go back a ways, because I am genuinely so curious about the roots of your creative endeavors. Where did your own creative journey begin, and who were some of the influences that shaped your path along the way?

I appreciate that, I know we share similar threads for being patient and intentional with all we do.

Yes sure, so you know how you don't actually understand how you are constructed as a person until you get far enough along to see the connections and structure? Well, it may not surprise you that I grew up in a family and environment that heavily emphasized technology and creativity. I have always been doing two things, painting, composing, filming, and building servers, computers, and working with synthesizers.

My influences are reasonably diverse. The majority of my influence has come from specific parts of art history, music history, philosophy, and athletics. For instance, probably the most obvious with composition, I've taken influence from specific things like Bach's use of voice leading and harmony, to Chaka Khan's use of rhythm. The overarching impetus of everything I pull from is this enthusiasm for beauty. Both music & visual arts have a really strong and deep impact on me, so I want to seek out and understand those experiences.

The visual and conceptual side has two main components, It's the desire to communicate in a highly intentional way and show people more about themselves through science. I have found I sprint in the direction of the elements that make up our universe and how to communicate them. I've had this burning passion ever since I was an early teenager, where I have been in pursuit of understanding how we interpret and understand our world. It's mainly the reason I got into doing installation art. An environment where I can craft work and the experience of that work in such a way that allows me to show an exhibitor something they haven't understood before about the human condition? It's what gets me out of bed in the morning.

So you are someone perfectly primed for the paradigm shifting technology of blockchain and cryptoart. How did you first come across this world, when did it click for you, and what has been your experience like in the community so far?

You know exactly what I'm going to say now, don't you? You and JN SILVA were the two people that pulled me in at lightning speed. I knew about crypto and the paradigm shift that could be back in 2013, but didn't see it connect to what I was hoping it would be until I saw NFTs.

To be frank, I think what we are experiencing is probably the biggest shift in creative history. One thing I have loved doing is studying multiple threads within history to observe parallels. For instance, what was Monet and Debussy doing around their time of impressionism? How did the greater shifts in society dictate or allow room for new ventures of how we see and hear the world? What new pigment technology was created so Van Gogh could aid in the ushering of the post-impressionistic period? So, what I find absolutely stunning about this space is that this has the potential to change the course of every generations perceptions on being a creative. It's been incredibly difficult for creatives to monetize their work. You had to be involved with a religious organization or accept patronage from an individual that would influence the work. This entire space means a young artist can obtain complete freedom and work within the paradigms of their own life experience and influences.

I'm also going to state the absolute obvious here because you're a shining example of advocacy and kindness for and towards other artists. The community has been incredible and is part of the reason why I'm so engaged and want to be in this space. With new dimensions like NFTs, everyone is on the same playing field and there is a greater focus on the humanity of us all. People seek to make friends, not relationships based on dynamics, it's beautiful. It's one of the reasons why I'm so happy to be talking to you, I am drawn to this perspective you've nurtured within this space.

I feel like we are all participating in the construction of a decentralized collective consciousness, and the artists are building out the visual cortex of this being, and thats why there is such a deep power in the interconnected nature of this community. We are truly intertwined in new layers and it is one of the most exciting moments for artists in human history. Now to convince the skeptics!

When you make a piece, like the one you will premiere as your genesis work on SuperRare- how do you begin the ideation and then carry through the process?

Do you have strict creative routines or do you let ideas wash over you, pursuing those that interest you?

Yes, you're absolutely right. The good thing is that if you have the artists onboard, they are always the ones at the fringes of new growth and expansion. You see it in cities where artists create incredible communities, allowing a new environment for others. So I see the skeptics and this paradigm as a perfect indicator of the future, we're in the exact position we want to be.

Love this question. It often consists of me overthinking to the power level of over 9000 for weeks, months, or years at a time. I have spent more than a decade really trying to understand and think with a high sense of intention about how to communicate not just a practical sense of art, but an emotional sense through sound. So, it's not a matter of just creating something, I need to satisfy my burning desire to create work that is so highly thought out that every single note you hear and every detail you see all points to the exact thing I am trying to demonstrate. For the most part, the only time I really get a sense of satisfaction with the work is when I have found the right combination that articulates the entire premise for doing the work in the first place.

Practically speaking, I always start with the foundational elements. What do I want to communicate and what is the best form of that communication possible? It's why I've bounced around from building robotics and haptic suits for the deaf community, creating immersive experiences, to using physics models and code to demonstrate how we understand color, nature, and architecture. I only care about the technology, techniques or path if it serves and is the best fit for the work.

The other thing to note, it's a consistent process, so my internal nature is always trying to observe and understand, while my external nature is highly orderly and structured. I've found I need both together in unison for me to find a position to create work.

Amazing. The thought and intention behind the output truly shines through- I am so eager to see your journey here continue to unfold as the technology itself advances and enables even newer, more profound ideas. The future looks so bright for art.

What advice would you have for an individual who is earlier on their creative path, and then specifically what advice would you have for that same person if they were interested in getting into NFTs?

It's so exciting isn't it? We have the opportunity to be a part of something that adds a new dimension to not just art, but how to validate processes. If I stick my head in the clouds right now, I'd love it if this evolved into using blockchain validation through tokenization across a multitude of our practices in society. The future looks bright indeed!

I want to take a bit of a different angle with this question, especially as I've learnt that both visual & auditory arts is my lane, not just a single component. I would suggest, truly think about intention with your work and what you want to do/become. Find a way to pursue what lights you on fire, then see what you are capable of within that. I bet on potential and it's amazing to see it realized. What incredible talents do you have that can create a positive influence? We all want to enjoy it with you, so commit yourself to trying to create the best work both technically and conceptually as you can.

Further, I would suggest to view NFTs as a dimension to your work. We are still creating for each other, so the art should and always be the singular focus, but allow this technology to be a new paintbrush for you to use to convey your ideas.

Wonderful advice. Jesse, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. We eagerly await the drop and the we are excited to watch you thrive in this space. To the reader, follow Jesse Woolston on Twitter and SuperRare to keep up with his moves in the space.

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